Friday, 29 February 2008

That Friday feeling

So that's it then!

I have officially just done my last show for what seems like weeks although I'm sure it'll whizz by.

Still no real plans so come Saturday I'll be sat on the internet searching out the last minute bargain holidays. Am set on trying to go snowboarding and got quite excited last night when I got out my bag full of kit with half a mind to give it a bit of a wash and a scrub up.

Helmet, goggles, thermals - all there and desperate for an outing. And I would look a bit daft wearing them walking down Shirley High Street so better find a mountain.

Latto the Statto will be looking after the show while I'm away. He's got a few tricks up his sleeve I reckon so make sure you keep him company from Monday if you can. And then I'm in on breakast for a week and a half whilst Julian is off chasing ghosts(?!) so we'll catch up then.

Have a great three weeks.

See you soon


So here's the joke ...

A husband is at home watching a football game when his wife interrupts ....

"Darling, could you fix the light in the hallway? it's been flickering for weeks now."

He looks at her and says angrily "Fix the lights now? Helloooo - does it look like i have Southern Electric written on my forehead? I don't think so."

"Fine," says the wife. "Well then, could you fix the fridge door? It won't close properly ..."

"Fix the fridge door? Helloooo - does it look like i have frigidaire written on my forehead? I don't think so ...."

"Fine," she says. "Then you could at least fix the steps to the front door? They are about to break ..."

"I'm not a carpenter and i don't want to fix steps" he says, "Hellooo - does it look like i have B&Q written on my forehead? I don't think so. I've had enough of this. I'm going to the pub!!!!"
So he goes to the pub and drinks for a couple of hours ...

He starts to feel guilty about how he treated his wife, and decides to go home. As he walks into the house he notices that the steps are already fixed. As he enters the house he sees the hall light is now working. And as he goes to get a beer he notices the fridge door is fixed.

"Honey," he asks, "How'd all this get fixed?"

"Well," she says, "when you left i sat outside and cried. Just then a nice young man asked me what was wrong, and i told him. He offered to do all the repairs. And all i had to do was either go to bed with him or bake a cake."

"So what kind of cake did you bake?"

"Hellooooo - does it look like I have Delia Smith written on my forehead ....?"
_ _ _ _ _
Jon Cuthill is a presenter on BBC Radio Solent. You can listen to him every weekday from 9am-12.30pm, or listen again online at his website

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